Contoh CV bahasa indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Tenggilis Mejoyo W-24 Surabaya Telepon: 0001000
HP : 0800000000
Email : nick_challenge2012@yahoo.com
Tanggal Lahir : 27 Januari 1980
Agama : Islam
Tinggi/Berat Badan : 160 cm/60 kg
Status : belum menikah
Pendidikan Formal
1998 – 2002 Universitas Surabaya Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Informatika, IPK 3.20
1995 – 1998 SMA Ciputra (Kelas III bidang studi IPA)
Pendidikan Non Formal
2003 Web Design Studio Sertifikasi
2002 Linux Chip Sertifikasi
2002 Cisco System Info Komputer Sertifikasi
2002 Bahasa Jepang NICE Center Intermediate
2000 Bahasa Inggris English First (EF) Intermediate
1998 Bahasa Mandarin Kursus privat Kelas conversation
Pengalaman Organisasi
2001 – 2002 Karang Taruna Kampung Bedug, sebagai wakil ketua
Tugas : menggalang dana kegiatan warga, menyusun rencana kegiatan, mengkoordinir acara warga.
2000 – 2001 UKM Bowling, sebagai ketua
Tugas : menyusun AD/ART, membuat rencana kegiatan,
2000 Kontes Band Kampus se-Indonesia, sebagai Steering Comitee
Tugas : mengarahkan kegiatan sesuai visi misi organisasi
1999 – 2000 Senat Fakultas, sebagai ketua
Tugas: mengkoordinir unit kegiatan mahasiswa fakultas
Pengalaman Kerja
Agustus 2003 – Juli 2004,
Web administrator PT Jude Kekar Bertanggungjawab kepada IT Manager
Lingkup tugas:
- Koordinator web designer
- membuat konsep tampilan web
- mengkoordinasi lalu lintas informasi web
- mengembangkan e-commerce perusahaan
Mei 2003 – September 2003,
Web designer PT Bhoiem Jaya Sekali Bertanggungjawab kepada IT Manager
Lingkup tugas:
- Membuat desain situs dilengkapi dengan pengembangan database interaktif,
- pengelolaan tampilan situs sesuai kebutuhan.
Hobi dan Minat
Sepak bola, renang dan Jogging
Pembuatan game pc dan pembuatan desain grafis.
Mencari info terbaru di internet
Judith E. Dwijanti, Direktur PT Jude Kekar: (031) 29000007 Bobby Meidrie Levianto, Direktur PT Bhoiem Jaya Sekali: (031) 2900000
CV bahasa inggris
Simon Yen
Sep 2008---Present, Shanghai University, BE
Candidate for Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering degree (ME).
Major academic courses highlights: Company Property Management; Marketing; Economics; English
Technology Communication; Information Management System; Modern Fabrication System.
May 2011, Certified Public Accounting Training (CPA)
Dec 2011----present, ITT Flygt investment. China
Application Engineer, Sales & Marketing
Application support and industry projects tracing to sales office to achieve the sales budget and new industry market application research.
Pay suitable visits to end users and DI for seminars and technical presentations with salesperson or distributors while collecting marketing information and competitor information analysis.
July 2011----Sep 2011, Intel Products Co., Shanghai, China
CPU Assembly Engineer (Internship)
Analyzed the yield ratio trend, documented and solved the current problems.
Participated in the training of marketing, business process modeling and analysis at Intel University.
Visualized a project review with impressive presentation and multi-media animation, which was highly appreciated by department manager.
June 2011----July 2011, GF Fund Management Co., LTD.
Campus Intern
Analyzed investment principles and related financial derived products
Formulated the scheme of market popularization and network marketing.
2009-2010, Second-Class Scholarship for Excellent Students of Shanghai University.
2010-2011, the Imagine Ambassador of Shanghai Tennis Popularization.
English Ability : Band 6 and the intermediate test of interpretation.
Germany Ability : 600 hours of Germany lessons in TongJi University.
Computer Skills:
National Computer Lever 3rd Certificate. ( Network Communication )
Professional Certificate of Assistant Information Officer (AIO).
C++, VBA, Provision, JMP, AutoCAD, 3Dsmax, Photoshop, Solidworks, Aftereffect
Personal Interests:
Basketball (Skills); skating (Speed); English (elegant); Snooker (Stable)
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